Versioning support policies: The same service ( method) can exist in the overall system in multiple versions. 版本支持策略:同样的服务(方法)在整个系统中可能会有多个版本。
You try to identify the smallest possible subset of the overall system under investigation that still exhibits the problem. 您尝试确定所研究的整个系统中仍存在问题的尽可能小的子集。
This approach enables service-oriented BPEL4WS components to be incorporated into an overall system design utilizing existing software engineering practices. 这种方法使面向服务的的BPEL4WS组件合并到全面的系统设计,该系统设计利用了现存的软件工程方法。
When appropriate, this activity also integrates implementation subsystems to create a new and consistent version of the overall system. 当合适时,此活动也要集成实现子系统,以创建最终系统的一个新的和一致的版本。
These are system-critical files and loss of their integrity threatens overall system security. 这些文件是系统关键型文件,它们失去完整性会威胁到总体系统安全性。
You can create multiple diagrams to view the overall system configuration from different perspectives. 可以创建多个关系图来从不同的角度查看整体系统配置。
The overall system remains available. 总系统仍然可用。
As long as the interface stays constant, the implementation can change without affecting the overall system. 只要该接口保持不变,就可以修改其实现,且不影响整个系统。
This contributes towards strengthening the overall system security by declining the stated risk. 这种方法通过降低风险增强了系统的总体安全性。
The Context Diagram also represents the scope of the particular function or the overall system. 内容图表还代表了特定功能及总体系统的范围。
This is a very important measurement for overall system performance. 这个度量值对于评估总体系统性能非常重要。
The uniform interface simplifies the overall system architecture and improves the visibility of the interactions between subsystems. 统一界面简化了整个系统架构,改进了子系统之间交互的可见性。
Code coverage is an important aspect of software testing, and can be considered fundamental to the overall system testing of a component. 代码覆盖率是软件测试的一个重要方面,对于一个构件的总体系统测试来说可能是一个基本的参数。
The improper configuration unnecessarily increases CPU utilization, which negatively impacts overall system performance. 不适当的配置会不必要地增加CPU利用率,从而损害总体系统性能。
One of the ways to perform analysis of the overall system is to explore the SQL queries getting executed. 对整个系统进行性能分析的方法之一是研究执行的SQL查询。
System Usage is typically considered the best single indicator of overall system capacity. SystemUsage通常被认为是总体系统容量的最佳单一指标。
There can be multiple instances of the same type of service in an overall system. 同一种服务类型在整个系统中可能有多个实例。
Movement planning and the underlying neural mechanisms are explored and put in the context of the overall system operation. 结合整个生物系统探讨了运动设计及其神经机制。
Techniques that would allow speedup of the overall system throughput of all tasks would be a meaningful performance gain. 技术,将使加速整个系统的吞吐量,所有的任务将是一个有意义的性能增益。
Then the half functional system carries on the value simulation, thus research composition overall system subsystem work mechanism. 然后对分功能系统进行数值模拟,从而研究组成整个系统的分系统工作机理。
I ran storage specific tests, I ran overall system tests and separate tests as well and I found the obvious that the SSD is faster. 我跑存储特定的测试,我跑了整个系统的测试和单独测试以及,我发现明显,SSD的速度更快。
The results showed that the overall system design was scientific and rational and it had achieved blending process monitoring, data storage and information transfer. 结果表明,系统整体设计科学合理,实现了勾兑过程的监控、数据储存及信息传递的突破;
For me, who created thee, your are little thing in the overall system universal! 对于我,谁创造了你,你是在整个系统,中普遍的小东西!
Now the overall system has been implemented and already put into configuration and debugging of MSV'control system. 现阶段整个系统已经开发成功,并投入运行到潜器控制系统的安装调试中。
In this system, human, machine and environment interact and depend on each other determining the overall system performance. 这个系统中,人、机、环境三个要素之间相互作用、相互依存的关系决定着系统总体的性能。
But reform of the overall system of fiscal intergovernmental relations is probably the most important element of the agenda. 政府间财政关系改革可能是这项议程中最重要的部分。
Finally, this system also must have manager's function, allows the manager to carry on the operation to the overall system database. 最后,该系统还必须具有管理员的功能,允许管理员对整个系统的数据库进行操作。
The backstage database uses SQL SERVER to manage overall system's backstage data. 后台数据库使用SQLSERVER管理整个系统的后台数据。
Compatibility-mode paging reduces overall system performance. 兼容方式的分页降低了整体系统性能。
SIPC is an important part of the overall system of investor protection in the United States. SIPC是美国投资者保护完整体系中的重要组成部分。